Worship and teaching
5 January 2025
In our first service of the New Year, we celebrate Epiphany - the coming of the wise men to visit Jesus. Sarah and Louise ask us to reflect on the journey we will be taking this year with God.
15 December 2024 - Nativity!
It's our marvellous nativity service, resplendent with Marys, Josephs, angels and a special message from Bishop Andy.
1 December 2024
Rachel takes us through the story of Elizabeth and Zechariah as we start our time of Advent. How do we receive the good news of Jesus' coming?
13 October 2024
Rachel, Sarah and the band lead us in worship and praise. The focus of the talk is on Esther - God is strangely absent from her story... or is He?
29 September 2024
It's time for celebration and joy as we give thanks for the life of little Kiara, joined by family and friends from India.
Stathern Lodge 2024: Session 3
Sarah takes us on in Stathern to the story of Ruth and Naomi, in which both women display extraordinary, whole-hearted commitment to one another in a time of trial.
Stathern Lodge 2024: Late night worship
The night draws in, the sky is dark... worshipping God in the evening at Stathern Lodge.
Stathern Lodge 2024: Session 2
Claire expands on the theme of enlarging the tent in session 2.
Stathern Lodge 2024: Session 1
The first session from guest speaker Claire Tufnell on what it really means to "enlarge the site of your tent, and let your tent curtains be stretched out; do not hold back; lengthen your ropes, and drive your pegs deep."
8 September 2024
Sarah talks about the story of Zacchaeus; a familiar story, but do we appreciate just how much Zacchaeus committed wholeheartedly to the new life Jesus offered him?
1 September 2024
Sarah and Mark guide us through the beginner of our new series: Don't Hold Back. What does God have in store for us if we live our lives wholeheartedly?
8 September 2024
Sarah talks about the story of Zacchaeus; a familiar story, but do we appreciate just how much Zacchaeus committed wholeheartedly to the new life Jesus offered him?
1 September 2024
Sarah and Mark guide us through the beginner of our new series: Don't Hold Back. What does God have in store for us if we live our lives wholeheartedly?
15 August 2024
Mark and Kavitha lead this service on Matthew 28 and Jesus' teaching on making disciples. This is often not a quick process - it requires years of teaching, mentoring and journeying together with God.
30 June 2024
Meimei and Nathan lead this service on the Holy Spirit and how it helps us understand the Bible. Are we really promised that we can have the mind of Jesus? And what does this wisdom look like?
9 June 2024
Nathan and Louise take us through putting on the clothing of the Spirit. What are the ways in which the Spirit can prepare us for being out in the world?
2 June 2024
Rachel and Sarah lead us through a service on faith. What exactly is it? Can we increase our faith? And what can we do through faitth?
Sunday 26 May
Sarah and Mark lead us through the Holy Spirit's arrival on earth. What is this mysterious third aspect of God? And what does the Holy Spirit mean for our day-to-day lives?
12 May 2024
Rachel, Mark and the worship team take us through being justified in Jesus - God's demonstration of his love for us whilst we were still in the wrong.
5 May 2024
Mark, Rachel and the worship team lead us through Romans 8. Mark explain what it means to not have a spirit of slavery but to have been adopted as God's children.
28 April 2024
Louise shares from the story of The rich young man (Matthew 19:16-30) who went away sad from Jesus. What keeps us from Jesus' grace? How can we get closer to Him?
Easter Sunday 2024
He is risen indeed, Alleluia! We celebrate the good news of Jesus' resurrection on the most joyful day of the year
17 March 2024
Sarah talks to us about Peter and John's testifying before the Jewish council. Their bold words and deeds in the face of opposition bring us hope and challenge.
10 March 2024
What does it mean to show confidence in God and through God? How do our lives change as a result?
Mark delivers the message in this service led by Meimei.
25 February 2024
Meimei and Louise take us through the ending of Jonah. How did God show his compassion in at this time? And how have members of Connect Gamston been showing compassion through God?
18 February 2024
Sarah leads a memorial of Fiona, who was a much-loved member of Connect Gamston. Mark shares a new vision for our church based on Jesus' compassion (slightly cut short due to a technical issue).
4 February 2024
John 1 introduces us to a concept called the Word (spoiler alert: it's Jesus). Rachel and Sarah help us see how He is revealed in this way.
28 January 2024
If you were to create a Top Trumps card, what would be your highest attribute? Creativity? Love of chocolate? Humour?
Tom takes us through the ultimate trump card - Jesus - and the authority of his life and teaching
21 January 2024
Jesus turning water into wine is perhaps his best known miracle. But how does Jesus reveal himself today? Richard and Nathan lead us through the passage from John.
7 January 2024
What is Ephiphany? And how is it celebrated around the world? What does the story of the wise men mean to us today? Rachael and Louise lead us out of Chirstmas and in to the New Year.
Christmas Eve 2023
The big day is almost upon us - join for reflection, worship and teaching on Christmas Eve.
Connect Nativity: 10 December 2023
Featuring classical and contemporary carols, a donkey quiz, a Christmas donkey talk from Mark, and real life donkeys!
3 December 2023
Rachel talks to us about prayer, and why - instead of thanking God we are not like others - we should be as humble as a tax collector!
26 November 2023
Tom talks to us from the Old Testament. How much do we really need God?
5 November 2023
It's Bonfire Night, and Louise talks to us about how worship focuses our wavering hearts.
8 October 2023
Nathan shares how worshipping offers us fresh insight.
12 November 2023
This week, we hear from Rachael.
15 October 2023
Sarah shows us how worshipping transforms our everyday actions.
Worship and teaching: Stathern Lodge 2
Catch up with the talks and worship from our weekend away at Stathern Lodge, with special guest speaker Jon Tattersall.
Worship and teaching: Stathern Lodge 1
Catch up with the talks and worship from our weekend away at Stathern Lodge, with special guest speaker Jon Tattersall.
16 July 2023
In our Becoming: series, we think how the extraordinary promise of heaven shapes our present and our future.
Teaching: Friendship and Faith
25 June 2023
Phil Knox teaches on friendship and faith, sharing lessons from his new book The Best of Friends.
Philippians 3: 7-9
14 May 2023
In our Becoming: series, we consider Becoming His - how we can take on Jesus' righteousness.
Worship and teaching: Matthew 5
26 March 2023
We go into the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus' teachings that were as countercultural 2000 years ago as they are now.
Philippians 3:10 - 4 June 2023
In our Becoming: series, we consider the ways that we share in both the power and suffering of Jesus' death and resurrection.
Teaching: John 20 (Easter Sunday 2023)
Jesus is risen! We celebrate the good news of the Easter story and what it means for us today.
Teaching: Jonah
12 March 2023
We explore one of God's least willing messengers: Jonah. What can we learn from his frustration at God's mercy?